pointerLa traduzione italiana di ‘Becoming Steve Jobs’ uscirà il 7 Aprile

La traduzione in italiano di Becoming Steve Jobs si intitolerà Steve Jobs Confidencial, uscirà il 7 Aprile ed è già preordinabile su Amazon. Becoming Steve Jobs è una nuova biografia su Steve Jobs che sembra promettere bene e che, forse, potrebbe riuscire a risollevarci dalla delusione di quella originale.

FastCompany ne ha pubblicati diversi estratti, durante la settimana. Ne segnalo due: quello in cui si parla di uno Steve Jobs più empatico (rispetto a quanto la narrazione comune racconti), e “The Evolution of Steve Jobs“:

Steve was always changing. Thinking of him this way casts him in a very different light from the more common view of him as a stubborn force of nature. It reframes what those of us fascinated by and engaged in business can draw from his example. If you search for “Steve Jobs” books on Amazon, you’ll find that most carry such titles as Steve Jobs: Ten Lessons in Leadership or The 66 Secrets of Steve Jobs: The Most Complete Step-by-Step Guide Ever Written on Becoming the Next Steve Jobs. Book publishers clearly believe that readers are dying to mimic a magical “Steve Jobs Recipe for Success.” (One possible exception: Steve Jobs Returns With His Secrets, which is, according to its jacket copy, a “spiritual interview with Steve Jobs, conducted just three months after his death.”)